Vocaloid 3 editor
Vocaloid 3 editor


Notes: I'm not sure if this will be the case with everyone, but when I load my VSQ that I converted the phonetic is 'a'.

vocaloid 3 editor

(I suggest saving things named 'Part 1' and so on.) Step 4: Click 'Save As' and click the one that says 'VSQ'. My mind went blank and somebody said they were called bars.) (I forgot if they were called bars or not. Step 2: Click and drag to select the notes(?) for the song, up to the 18th bar. Step 1: Open UTAU and load the UST for the song. Things you will need: UTAU, And the UST for the song you want to cover.


I'll tell you how to (Somewhat) easily piece the peices together after I explain option 2. (You can throw in another 'Thank you' to whoever helped you, in the credits.) And remember to credit the creator of the VSQ/VSQx. And then repeat the procress of selecting, saving into seperate parts, deleting, etc. And when they get done with one track, delete it, and then move the next track up to the place the first track would usually be. Because it's going to take a while! Also if the VSQ/VSQx has multiple tracks make sure that they remember to do one track at a time. Notes: Be sure to thank whoever is splitting the VSQ/VSQx into parts for you. (This could take a while though, considering Tiny VOCALOID3 Editor only goes up to 18 bars(?).

vocaloid 3 editor

Step 3: Have them split the VSQ/VSQx into pieces.

vocaloid 3 editor


Step 2: Send it to the person with the full editor (Make sure they are okay with helping you!) Step 1: Get the VSQ/VSQx you wish to use. Things you will need: A VSQ or VSQx for the song you wish to cover, and a person that has the full editor that would be willing to help you out. There are two ways you can use make a cover of a song using a Voice sequence. So if you are in a situation where you cannot get the full editor, (Or you recieved your first VOCALOID voice as a gift and you and/or the person who gave you the wonderful gift didn't know to get the Full VOCALOID3 editor), hopefully these tips will help you. And I have found out a few things that have really helped! Over the past few weeks I have been searching for ways I can use Tiny editor to do all of the projects/covers I want to do with SeeU's voicebank.

Vocaloid 3 editor